Paul’s Run Men’s Club Provides Socialization, Education, and Connections

March 13, 2024

In many senior communities, couples often enjoy pursuing community life activities together. The same is true at Paul’s Run Senior Living Community, but so too do gentlemen there enjoy the camaraderie of hanging out with ‘just the guys’ at Men’s Club monthly gatherings. During those, they enjoy eating a pizza or hoagies, watching a game, playing cards, or attending a history lecture together.

A woman strums an acoustic guitar in front of a mosaic wall at Paul's Run Retirement Community in Northeast PhiladelphiaThere is one lady who is allowed to join in the Men’s Club activities. Molly Bybee, Director of Community Life at Paul’s Run in Northeast Philadelphia, PA, is called an “Honorary Men’s Club Member.” She coordinates most of the activities and makes the lunch arrangements, so she is invited to participate with the group for lunches or attend the history lectures with the gentlemen.

Molly says, “The Men’s Club provides intellectual stimulation, educational lectures, socialization and bonding opportunities among male residents who come together on a bi-monthly basis, in a spirit of camaraderie, to learn something new or to enjoy lunch together.”

Once a month on the 2nd Monday of the month, the speaker, Steve Pollack, visits Paul’s Run to lead lectures, generally dealing with an in-depth topic such as the History of the U.S. Presidency, or, covering a subject like the History of Dictators.

A man happily serving pizza to the Paul's Run Men's ClubIn between, the men get together either on the second to last or last Tuesday for lunch in the Greenhouse to eat pizza or hoagies with Matthew Schoell, Director of the Fitness Center at Paul’s Run. Matt introduces newer residents and members of the group to one another and devises Trivia games or other entertaining activities that the men pursue together.

There is a diverse mix of gentlemen who participate; some are retired from business or industry, others are retired teachers, engineers, lawyers or members of the law enforcement community. Most are from Philadelphia or the surrounding northeastern suburbs. They enjoy sharing ideas, and telling stories about their careers, families and interests.

Al, a retired business executive and member says, “I enjoy the camaraderie with the other men, sharing jokes and stories. It is also a good place to welcome new male residents who have recently moved into Independent Living at Paul’s Run; to initiate them into the kinds of activities we enjoy here.”

Matt adds, “Spending time with guys at the Men’s Club lunches gives me an opportunity to connect with them socially in a relaxed setting, to get to know them personally, and to encourage them to attend fitness classes, or to come work out in the Fitness Center, or in good weather, to go outside and exercise on the walking paths around the property. It is very healthy for the men to get out of their apartments and socialize, meet neighbors and participate in stimulating discussions or activities.”