Sisters at Paul’s Run Find Joy, Community, and Meaning in the Place They Call Home

October 8, 2021

A Sister and a fellow resident complete a purchase at the Paul's Run general store.At Paul’s Run, residents are grateful to have inter-faith spiritual care programs that serve a diverse array of traditions and cultures. With plenty of opportunities to share spiritual celebrations, there are two residents, who are part of a larger congregation, that feel especially lucky to call Paul’s Run home. Sister Carole and Sister Pat, residents of Paul’s Run, first moved to the community in 2017.

“As a congregation, Mother Katherine was our foundress. She was canonized in 2000 and I actually went to Rome for the canonization. We really feel that Mother Katherine wanted us to live at Paul’s Run and that’s why everything worked out the way it did,” Sister Carole reflects. Upon moving from their Motherhouse, more than 50 sisters were looking for a place to live. They all hoped that they could live somewhere together. “There were other Motherhouses in a similar situation who had to move as well, and they were all scattered throughout the city. We really wanted to find a place where we could stay together,” Sister Carole explains.

“We went to look at several different places before we came to tour Paul’s Run, and we knew this community would be a good place to live,” she adds.

When we first came to Paul’s Run, team members and residents made us feel so comfortable and welcomed. We had just left our Motherhouse, and we were so grateful that the people of Paul’s Run made us feel at home.

Sister Carole, resident of Paul’s Run

Sister Carole recalls her first tour of Paul’s Run and how wonderful the team members were in showing them around the beautiful community. “When we first came here they sat us down for lunch and told us to leave space between each sister. Team members came and ate lunch right alongside of us, and that was really wonderful. When we toured other communities, team members would sit at a completely different table. The Paul’s Run team members were so caring and friendly and they were able to answer any questions that we had,” Sister Carole affirms.

Going above and beyond to ensure that the sisters felt welcome in their new home, Paul’s Run team members organized a special greeting for the day they moved in. “When our sisters would go out on missions, we had a tradition of waving our hankies. The Paul’s Run team members did that for us when we moved in. That was very special,” Sister Carole says.

Sister Pat agrees as she describes the warm welcome she felt from team members and residents upon moving to Paul’s Run.

The people at Paul’s Run are just so friendly. There’s a goodness that exists here. The team members always say, ‘we’re here for you,’ and I believe that we’re all here for one another

Sister Pat, resident of Paul’s Run

Since moving in, both Sister Pat and Sister Carole have made many new friendships with residents and neighbors. “The wonderful part of living here is getting to eat in the dining room each night and share a meal with others. It’s a wonderful way to meet new people, and I’ve met so many new residents that way,” says Sister Carole.

Both Sisters thoroughly enjoy connecting with the people of their community. In fact, they both work at the Paul’s Run General Store. “I love working at The General Store. I call it a form of ministry. I’m able to be friendly and learn new residents’ names. I really get to know people there,” Sister Pat notes. “I love helping people. My background is in social community work. I’ve had the gift of working throughout the U.S. as well as Haiti and helping people in various communities find solutions to their social needs. I get to use those same skills here at Paul’s Run. I have many ways to be of service to the people who live here,” she adds.

She certainly does, especially when participating in Director of Spiritual Care, Pastor Julie’s, Community Service Club. Each month, Pastor Julie and club members organize a community service project to help neighbors in need in local regions surrounding Paul’s Run. The sisters also enjoy that at Paul’s Run, they have a peaceful place for prayer and spiritual services.

“We are so grateful to have a chapel here as a designated place for prayer. People are very respectful of the chapel and it is truly peaceful,” Sister Pat affirms. “It’s just a wonderful experience of brotherly and sisterly love, of people who care for one another.” Within the community, inter-faith spiritual services are offered to residents including Catholic Mass four times a week, Friday Shabbat service, music and meditation, prayers for peace, holiday traditions and rituals, and more.

Sister Pat truly appreciates the inter-faith connections that take place throughout this community and celebrating the spirit of her fellow neighbors and friends. “There is a spirit of homeliness here. We all get along and have fun. I am most grateful that there is a shared desire to be peaceful to one another. It’s just wonderful,” she notes.

There’s So Much to Do! Getting Involved and Making the Most of Every Day…

One of the things I love most about living at Paul’s Run is getting involved. I’m a part of all kinds of committees and groups here. It’s wonderful to have such camaraderie.

Sister Carole, resident of Paul’s Run

Sister Pat and Sister Carole are involved in a variety of activities and committees at Paul’s Run. They are both members of the Resident Council, serving as Floor Representatives for their apartment levels. They are also both part of the Actor’s Club. “I’ll be starring in my first ever play this weekend!” exclaims Sister Pat. Sister Pat also enjoys singing in the Paul’s Run Belle Choir. And they both serve on the Paul’s Run Food Committee which gives residents the ability to provide feedback on the community’s five-star dining and menu options.

As Sister Carole and Sister Pat make the most of every day at Paul’s Run, they feel blessed to be surrounded by the company of neighbors and friends. “It is truly a gift to be at Paul’s Run. I am grateful for all of the team members who give us everything we need. We have great people taking care of us here and they are so open to our ideas. It’s a wonderful place to live,” Sister Pat affirms.

Contact us today to learn more about life at Paul’s Run.