Our Worship and Spiritual Services

At Paul’s Run, spiritual care is important to the culture of our community and in the life of residents.

Residents are welcome to participate in many services including interfaith gatherings with other members of the community. Celebrating any religious holiday is always open to anyone regardless of their faith.

All of our programs are inclusive and open to all residents of the community.

Pastoral visits are available for all faiths represented in our community including, Jewish, Christian and others by our Chaplain or other individuals as needed.

We have a daily Catholic prayer service, Catholic Mass 5 days a week, Weekly Shabbat services, weekly ecumenical Protestant worship services, and other gatherings throughout the week.

Holiday services at Paul’s Run include but are not limited to: Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas, Jewish High Holiday gatherings, Purim, Passover Seders, and Hanukkah.

Interfaith activities are a core part of Paul’s Run Spiritual Life, and they enrich and encourages new friendships and relationships in our Paul’s Run community.

Click here to contact us online for more information.